When it comes to the scientific method, young learners and seasoned scientists alike base their work around one central principle — reproducible results. Even the best, most thoroughly researched experiment would be rendered effectively faulty if its results can’t be achieved in another lab on a different day, in a different place, by different scientists.
Of course, there are many ways to ensure this principle of reproducibility in your laboratory — and many of them simply involve following basic lab safety protocols! However, if you want to practice this principle even more (whether it be in your lab classroom, or your own professional endeavors), here are a few elements to consider — including the use of helpful technologies, like 2mag’s magnetic stirrers. Take a look.
The Right Tools For The Job
On your journey toward more reliable, reproducible results, one of the best places to start is with your lab equipment. The right tools can provide a sturdy foundation from which great discoveries can be made. When it comes to routine lab procedures like mixing solutions, 2mag’s magnetic stirrers do the stirring for you — which means that your solutions are less susceptible to human error or natural variations in stirring speed and other factors. It’s one less thing to worry about in a lab full of variables!
Achieving A Uniform Lab Environment
To promote reproducibility between experiments — not only in your lab but those located in other cities, states, or countries, too — the right lab environment is essential. A few standard steps such as safely storing tools and solutions (many materials call for cool, dark, dry containers), wearing standard lab gear, and restricting outside variables like food, drink, or non-lab personnel are all helpful steps you can take to preserve a uniform environment.
Making Reproducibility Second Nature
Whether you’re working with colleagues on independent research, or educating scientific scholars on lessons that illustrate key concepts, you will want to make reproducibility second nature in your lab. Provide plenty of checkpoints where you and your fellow scientists can ask yourselves the question, Would another lab be able to achieve the same results? If not, what can we do to make our experiment more reproducible?
Beyond The Lab
Today, thanks to the advent of the internet and modern sharing networks, it’s easier than ever to compare results with fellow scientists across the globe — and to tap into their knowledge with virtual labs, seminars, and other opportunities for exchange! If you’re educating young scientists, encourage them to get familiar with helpful journals, websites, and forums that can serve as examples of the scientific method at work.
We hope that these tips help you achieve reproducible results in your lab environment! If you are looking for a seamless alternative to traditional mixing methods, 2mag is here to help. Contact us today to see how we can supply your lab with the high-tech tools you need.